Nationals preparations began three months ago just after I won my title as National American Miss California Teen. I knew that Nationals was the toughest competition in the country and I made it my goal to place Top 10. I got to work on my platform, LEAP into Literacy, and spent time working with charitable organizations in my area. After I went off to school, I practiced interview questions with my roommates and friends every day leading up to Nationals Week. I finalized my beautiful personal introduction and practiced it many, many times a day (my friends all know it by heart now). When November came around, I was ready to go out and do my very best!
Here is the day by day summary of that wonderful week:
Monday, November 25
My mom and I packed up all of the suitcases and headed to the airport. On the plane we were seated next to an adorable family with two young boys, who kept saying over and over again "We're going to Disneyland!" It was precious. When we finally made it to the Orange County Airport, the butterflies in my stomach settled in. After months of hard work towards Nationals, I was finally there.
After we were all checked into the hotel, I headed to dinner with the other National All-American and American Teen contestants. We went to California Pizza Kitchen (my fave) and I had a great time getting to know the girls who were there. When we finally got back to the hotel I was exhausted and went straight to sleep.
Tuesday, November 26
It's check-in day! We were up bright and early to get ready for the day ahead. I wore my royal blue dress (one of my favorite pieces ever) and made sure I had all of my paperwork together in my color-coded binder. Then we headed downstairs to meet the other girls and complete all of the paperwork.
Registration was great- I got to see my friends from the California pageant and the girls I met at dinner the night before. When everything was checked in, we went to the "Representing the Crown" meeting. Kelli Koehler, who works on National American Miss' social media image, talked to us about portraying positive messages about ourselves and our brand on social media. This was the first year of the "Representing the Crown" meeting and it was a great addition to Nationals week!
After the workshop was Orientation. The NAM staff got us so excited for the week ahead and it was a great time! Then we had a big break until the 70's party that night. I got all dressed up in my pink 70's costume and had a great time with making new friends and cheering on my team as we won the toilet paper fashion show!
Wednesday, November 27
Disneyland Day!! I had been looking forward to Disneyland day for months and I was so excited to spend the day in the Happiest Place on Earth! First on the agenda was squeezing in as many rides as possible before the park filled up with people on their Thanksgiving holiday. We went on Pirates of the Caribbean and Indiana Jones before meeting up at the castle for a group photo!
I love anything Christmas related and Disneyland was covered in holiday decorations. We had so much fun in the park and I loved spending time with my California Teen sister, Nicole Hornaday.
I even got to see my cousins who were in the park for the day as well!
Thursday, November 28
Happy Thanksgiving! It was the first day of required competition, which meant it was time to really focus. After our patriotic rehearsal, I got ready for the Personal Introduction, one of my favorite elements of the competition.
My personal introduction went exactly as I had rehearsed and I was so excited to have conquered one of the competitions- 1 down, 2 to go!
Later that afternoon was the car drawing, where I met up with my sister queens Taylor Longbrake and Lyndsey Tillinghast. Although none of us won the car, we still celebrated Nationals with an impromptu photo shoot in the backdrop room:

After that, my mom and I were dying for some fresh air, so we left the hotel in search of Thanksgiving dinner. Not surprisingly, most restaurants were closed because of the holiday, but we finally discovered a Tony Roma's near Disneyland. Instead of turkey, I had salmon. While it was far from being home for Thanksgiving, it was still great to be with my mom and celebrate the holiday in style.
Friday, November 29
It was Hollywood Tour day! Even though I am from California, I have never actually been to Hollywood so I was just as excited as all of the girls from other states. Our first stop was the Santa Monica Pier:
Then, we were back on the bus and headed for the Grove! We grabbed lunch in the Farmer's Market and spent a lot of time walking around and checking it out. I love food, and I could have spent all day there, trying new things and exploring.
Then we were off to the Walk of Fame! It started pouring rain, so after a quick umbrella purchase, we were back on the street and taking pictures. As an added surprise, we ran into our family friends outside of Grauman's Chinese Theatre! It was so great seeing them!
Friday evening, we had State Pride rehearsal! I wore my fabulous "Team California" t-shirt. I also got to cheer on my princess, Kendahl, and my Jr. Pre-Teen Lily after their finales! I am so proud of those girls and all of the hard work they put into pageant week!
Saturday, November 30
Friday night was rough as I had a bit of food poisoning. Going on just 4 hours of sleep, we started off the day bright and early with Formal Wear competition! Even though I wasn't feeling too well, my dad and sister queens helped me feel my best. My dad is the best escort in the world and it was great being able to share that part of competition with him!
Then, it was time for a quick change before Interview competition! This is my favorite phase of competition because it gives the judges a chance to get to know me one-on-one, and I love sharing my thoughts and personality with them. This year at Nationals we had 10 judges, which is way more than I have ever had, but it was nice to have a longer time to interview.
After Interview, it was time for rehearsal. I wore a super cute sweater I bought on the Hollywood tour! Shoutout to my Pre-Teen sister queen Lyndsey, who appears in most of my photos. I simply adore this girl!
After rehearsal, it was time for the Red Carpet Award Ceremony. This is the night that all of the Top 5 Competitors in each optional re-compete in Actress, Talent, Casual Wear Modeling, and Spokesmodel Actress. It's also the night that all of the awards are handed out. I was beyond excited and happy to receive the 2nd Runner-Up Best Resume award and win the NAM Alumni Essay Scholarship Competition, with my essay "Ready, Set, Sparkle!"
It was also the finale for my Pre-Teen sister queens, Lyndsey and Danielle. I am so so very proud of all of their hard work. They are two of the most accomplished, friendly, and outstanding girls I have ever met and I love them so much!
It was a great night, about to get even better, when I won a Spirit Stick for my Crazy Hair Rehearsal look!
Sunday, November 21
It's Finale Day!!! Although it was really exciting that the final show was finally there, it was bittersweet because it also meant I had to say goodbye to my new friends and Nationals. The day started with PJ rehearsal:
Of course, Rachel and I rocked our footie pajamas:
I was able to watch my Miss sisters, Ashleigh and Marissa compete in the Miss Finale! I'm so proud of them they totally rocked it!
Then it was hair and make-up time! Thank you to Kara Knudsen and her team who made me look and feel completely stellar all week. You girls are incredible!
While I was getting ready, I was watching the live stream of my Jr. Teen, Taylor Longbrake's finale. If you haven't met this girl, you should make it a priority. Not only is she one of the hardest working girls I have EVER met, but she is so incredibly sweet and funny. I am so proud of her and her TOP 10 placement IN THE COUNTRY! I love you Tay and I am beyond proud of you!
Finally, it was time for the finale we had been waiting for all week. I got dressed in my opening number dress and headed downstairs for what was going to be one of the greatest nights of my life.
The night began with our opening number dance to "A Little Party Never Killed Nobody" from The Great Gatsby Soundtrack. I loved the 20's inspired dance! After our second dance number, we ran backstage to change into our formal gowns for a final walk:
After we were all back onstage, it was time to call the Top 10! I was so nervous, I just remember squeezing Chandi (Arizona) and Bree's (Colorado) hands and hoping and praying I would hear my name. When they called "North California" as the 8 out of 10 names, I almost fell over. I did it! I came forward, accepted my trophy and headed offstage with the other Top 10 contestants. As soon as I was offstage I remember looking at the choreographers with the biggest smile on my face, and they kept telling me I couldn't cry because I was about to go back onstage.
The singer serenaded us and then it was time to call Top 5. With so many incredible girls in the Top 10, I was blown away and completely honored to hear North California called. It was time to re-compete our personal introductions. When I finally got up to the microphone, I was overwhelmed with all of the cheering and screaming for me. I couldn't believe that after all of my hard work, I had made it to the Top 5 in the country. I did my best on my personal introduction, and took a final walk in front of the judges.
When I was called as the 4th Runner-Up, I could barely contain my excitement. I was so blessed to even be on that stage, with State queens from all over the United States. I was so blessed to be in the Top 10, and then the Top 5. Words cannot explain how lucky I am for the opportunity to represent NorCal and place in the Top 5.
The only thing that made the week more magical is that my good friend, Rachel Major, won the National title. I cannot put into words how much this girl deserves this. She has been competing with National American Miss for 13 YEARS. Her dedication and passion is inspiring. There is no one I would rather have represent us this year than her! I cannot wait to see the great things she does with this title!
National American Miss Teen Top 5:
So incredibly excited:
Thank you times 1 million to Jordan Fowler, NAM California Teen 2011 and Miss Teenage California 2013, for coming and supporting me at Nationals. You are so inspiring and it's an honor to have you as both a sister in NAM and DG!
Thank you Kara and your incredible team- I couldn't have done it without you!
I love this sweet girl, Madison Wheat. She lead us in prayer before the finale and calmed my nerves so much. Thank you Madison!
Of course, a huge shootout goes to Megan Webb, National American Miss Teen 2012. You are such a great role model to all girls and meeting you was an honor. Keep doing your thing- I can't wait to see what great things you do next!
And of course, Rachel, you are a superstar. From night one I knew you were a fantastic girl and spending the week with you was so much fun. I love you and I am so happy for your success! Keep me updated with everything that happens this year! I am so proud of you!
Well, that was NAM Nationals 2013: a crazy weeklong adventure that I will never forget! And while Nationals may be over, my reign as Miss California Teen is not! I have some great things in store for the next few months, so keep checking back to see what I am up to. But for now- it's finals time!
Jane Kennedy
NAM Miss California Teen 2013
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