Okay, first of all I'd like to apologize for the lack of blog posts lately! So many new and exciting things have been happening that I've just been so carried away. But I'm back! So here's a quick update on what I'm doing, my new projects, and my life as a college student!
All summer, I have been getting more and more excited to begin my life as an honors student at the University of California, Santa Barbara! With a double major in communications and political science, I couldn't wait to start studying what I love!
On September 20, my parents and I somehow squeezed all of my suitcases and moving boxes into our Yukon XL- pageant girls aren't known for packing light- and we were off! After a seven hour drive down the golden coast of California, we arrived in the ocean front town of Santa Barbara!
The next morning, we moved all of my stuff into my dorm, which just happens to be less than 100 yards from the beach. I got to meet my fabulous roommate, Brie, and settle in slightly before being whisked around campus to attend as many social events as possible!
On Sunday, September 22, my parents said goodbye and headed home. While it was sad to see them leave, I was so completely excited for everything to come!
I had so much fun exploring UCSB- the most beautiful school ever.
I love my dorm- I even have an ocean view! |
S/o to Brady for modeling (: |
Studying on the Lagoon! |
Decorating my dorm room was so much fun- thankfully my roommates and I have similar styles so our room is simply fabulous.
My desk- the calendar was a must have! |
Can you see my dreamcatcher? |
Monday was the start of rush week (eeeep!), which I had been looking forward to for the past month as all of my friends went through the process and came out with new sisters and best friends. I was SO excited to meet all of the girls rushing with me, but really REALLY nervous to meet the girls in the houses. It was a relief to discover that rushing is very similar to the interview portion in National American Miss- short, individualized conversations that help you connect with the girls in each house. On Tuesday night, I made my first preference list and waited. If you know me, I am extremely impatient so it was a great exercise waiting all night and all morning to get my list back for House Tours.
You can imagine my excitement when I got to go back to all of my favorite houses for House Tours! It gave me another opportunity to get to know the girls a little bit better before making another preference list that night.
We got Thursday off, because it was our first day of SCHOOL! That's right, my very first day of college classes. It was strange walking into a gigantic lecture hall and seeing that instead of 20 other students, there were 850 people sitting there, waiting to take notes. But I survived- and I really love all of my professors.
Then it was Friday night- pillar night for Rush. I went back to five houses and had to make my hardest preference list ever- cutting down from five to two. Thankfully, I had the greatest Rho Gam in the world (shout out to Morgan), who helped me think clearly and make the best decision for me.
Saturday was another day of waiting- a lot of waiting. When Morgan finally texted me that I was going back to my two preferred houses I was overwhelmed- how was I going to choose?
Preference Night with Emma! |
Preference night was stressful- until I realized that I knew what house I needed to be in. Even though the decision was hard, I felt peaceful for the first time all week after putting in my top choice.
Sunday at noon was the moment of truth. Morgan handed me my bid and I couldn't help but jump up and scream in excitement when I saw that I was a DELTA GAMMA!!
My bid- woohoo! |
I have the best anchor sis ever- Emma! |
The most beautiful sorority house EVER! |
Delta Gamma pledge class of 2013! |
Throwing up the DG sign. |
Bid day at the beach with my new sisters! |
My anchor sis <3 |
Brady and I- hall-mates and now sisters! |
I was beyond blessed to get my top house after the crazy week I had had, and my fellow sisters and I boarded a party bus and headed to the beach for some fantastic bonding time. I LOVE all of the girls in my pledge class and I feel so lucky to be a part of Delta Gamma, a phenomenal sorority with a strong alumni network, love of philanthropy, and inspirational girls. So many women who I love and respect are also Delta Gammas- including my own mom!
So there you go- I'm living the dream at a fantastic school, with new friends whom I love, intriguing classes taught by brilliant professors, and all as a part of my dream sorority!
Now it's time to get into gear for National American Miss Nationals- less than two months away! I am so excited to represent California to the best of my ability, to spend time with my sister queens, and to meet girls from all over the country!
Life is crazy but I'm having the time of my life and I can't wait to see where the future takes me.
Oh, and I promise to post a little bit more often now that I'm all settled. There are so many exciting philanthropy projects coming up that I can't wait to share about!
Also- please don't forget to follow me on Twitter @janekennedyy and Instagram @janekennedyy for more current updates!
Thanks for reading!
Jane Kennedy
NAM Miss California Teen 2013